
Technologies for the recovery of materials and energy from waste

Industry Showcase Circular Economy

Wednesday 31, 11:30h - 11:50h | HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
31-05-2023 11:30 31-05-2023 11:50 Europe/Madrid Technologies for the recovery of materials and energy from waste

 NEOLIQUID has patented several waste recovery processes to reuse materials and energy through pyrolysis. This process can obtain several high-added-value products, promoting the circular economy on the basis of the recovery of material and energy from landfill waste, in accordance with the European regulatory framework.

HALL 3-Industry Showcase area

 NEOLIQUID has patented several waste recovery processes to reuse materials and energy through pyrolysis. This process can obtain several high-added-value products, promoting the circular economy on the basis of the recovery of material and energy from landfill waste, in accordance with the European regulatory framework.


