
How INEOS will kick-start renewable hydrogen production in Spain.

Smart Chemistry Smart Future Hidrógeno

Viernes 02, 11:30h - 12:00h | HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
02-06-2023 11:30 02-06-2023 12:00 Europe/Madrid How INEOS will kick-start renewable hydrogen production in Spain.

INEOS is a global chemical major and Europe’s largest producer of hydrogen from electrolysis. Leveraging this experience, INEOS is developing water electrolysis projects across its European sites. These projects will supply renewable hydrogen into mobility and industry. Near Barcelona, INEOS operates the Martorell chemical site which is an ideal location for renewable hydrogen production in Spain.

HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future

INEOS is a global chemical major and Europe’s largest producer of hydrogen from electrolysis. Leveraging this experience, INEOS is developing water electrolysis projects across its European sites. These projects will supply renewable hydrogen into mobility and industry. Near Barcelona, INEOS operates the Martorell chemical site which is an ideal location for renewable hydrogen production in Spain.


